Jul 25Liked by Dr Devika Bhushan

Really enjoyed your insightful post above on how to inculcate self esteem in children.

Would love to add my thought to it, don’t over praise or not praise at all. Keep a good balance so they are more resilient emotionally.


Vindi k.

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Yes, love this!

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May 14Liked by Dr Devika Bhushan

Fabulous TV interview. Just perfect, and fast, but very good!

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Super fast! I was genuinely surprised at quickly it all went. And thank you for the kind feedback!

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May 10Liked by Dr Devika Bhushan

Sports are such a good way to build lots of these traits! I was not a sports kid and it definitely impacted my loneliness…and ability to work in a team. (I’m one of those people that thinks all these problems existed decades ago, we just didn’t talk about them nearly as much. (We barely even acknowledged kids and their needs, so it’s no wonder parents struggle with it.)

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That's definitely true for many kids — sports can help build a set of skills and friendships in a way that is intrinsically rewarding and helps hone a sense of belonging. And I agree, we are starting to recognize and address facets of youth mental health today that were completely under the radar even a couple of decades ago. Thanks for your comments!

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